Sunday, July 20, 2008

Walking Away From the Light

This quilt was part of ArtGotham's recent "Square Foot Exhibit" and has found a new home. I have been asked to create another piece slightly larger for one of the up coming ArtGotham events: "Summer Blues" a group exhibition. The quilts sister which has a much darker feel is back at the Gadson Gallery.

Cotton By The Sea continues

The Cotton by the Sea event with jewelry by Shimoda and my quilt art was well attended and a good time was had by all. If you did not get a chance to see my new art work the gallery will be open for visitors again during the Harlem Week festivities on west135th Street from 2-7pm, Sat. 8/16 and Sun. 8/17.
the Gadson Gallery
225 West 134th Street
Harlem, NY
If you have questions or would like to schedule a private appointment you may email me at Prints and t-shirts of some of my quilts are now be available.